About Our Club

Our Mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Our Vision

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

The Belmopan Rotary Club has existed since 2004 and in that short period of time the club has been involved in many projects to serve the community. If you would like to join us in community service as a member or as a partner please contact us.

The Club has an elected president who serves for one year. The other members are divided into five avenues of service: Membership, Service Projects, The Rotary Foundation, Public Relations, and Club Administration, each directed by an elected member. The Club members meet once a week, but there are also regular committee meetings and, of course, social events.

Many Rotarians are also involved in Marla’s House of Hope, as well as other community projects outside of the Rotary umbrella.

Fund Raising is an important part of the Rotary service. The Club as a group oversees this task and although it is not easy to raise money in a small community, we are doing an excellent job, for much of the Club’s future accomplishments will be dependent on our combined efforts to raise the necessary funds for each project.

The blue shirts with the Rotary logo are a familiar sight around Belmopan City whether it is Belmopan Day, a jumble sale, the Agriculture Show, or just cleaning up the children’s parks, we are constantly finding new avenues to raise funds that will allow even more ambitious projects to be ventured for the benefit of our community.

Membership of the Rotary Club of Belmopan

The Belmopan Rotary Club is nonpolitical and nonreligious. It is open to all cultures, races, creeds and vocations and this shows in the current membership. This diversity helps the Club maintain contact with many parts of the Belmopan community and increases our ability to serve.

The Rotary Club of Belmopan was officially chartered on January 21st, 2004 with 22 charter members. The Club currently has about 20 members who are actively involved in service to others on both a local and international level. We have an elected president and board which serves for one year.

Rotary Club Fellowship

Although The Rotary Club is, above all, about service, it is also about fellowship and making life-long friends. So we try to schedule time to just spend time together with our fellow Rotarians and their families. Of course our weekly meetings are also a great time to get to know each other and have a few good laughs.


Some of the events we have are:

  • Regional and district conferences
  • New member initiations
  • Family outings
  • Participating in parades
  • Booths at local events
  • Visits from other Clubs and organizations
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